01 Oct 2020

Much more than a website

5 ways to deliver what members really need

Websites are core to delivering a great membership experience. For many, they will find out about you first online and will consider whether to join or reject you. You may need to make that first visit count, you may need to make the next 28 visits count. 

With many membership organisations now delivering the majority or even all their benefits digitally, it has never been more important to deliver what members truly need.

For many of you knowing members’ motivations for joining, your differentiation in the marketplace and matching personal interests with what you deliver can be a winning combination. 

At Pixl8 we have worked with over 200 membership organisations delivering websites and digital transformations. 

Here’s a few broad pointers to consider what you might want to deliver on your website:  

1. Capture their attention

With much won or lost in less than 10 seconds online, make that first visit particularly enticing. The look and feel of your website needs to pack a punch. You want visitors to feel that your organisation is the place that I want to belong to.

2. Provide immediacy

In the current pandemic world we live in, people want something to do right now. What can you offer them right now? Do you have a popular guide, a webinar starting in 5 minutes? Can you offer them trial membership?

3. Transport them

We are all familiar with the current trope of delivering customer journeys but truly being a member is taking a journey. People are usually signing up for an initial year and then another year. Consider their starting point and where they want to get to. 

4. Provoke

Many professional and cultural membership programmes have an authority that gives them the platform to provoke debate, to stimulate ideas. Think about how you can challenge members in a constructive way. 

5. Reassure 

Now more than ever people need reassurance about pretty much every aspect of their lives. This is definitely true of membership subscriptions. Consider how you can give them reasons ongoingly to show them it was worth joining or renewing.