06 Nov 2019

Just Launched: New website for Twins Trust

Pixl8 is excited to announce the launch of the Twins Trust website. The Twins Trust's (formerly Twins and Multiple Births Association, or TAMBA) mission is to provide multiple-birth families with information and support in order for them to thrive. 

They are a unique organisation dedicated to helping families before, during, and after the crucial stage of bringing young lives into the world; most notably via their Twinline helpline.  

When we took on this project, we were determined to deliver above and beyond. We worked through a series of workshops with Twins Trust to develop style guidelines and give them a steer on impactful images. 

Pixl8 also provided strategic guidance on how best to position fundraising activities within their membership; a task which is often shied away from but which can benefit members exponentially if approached correctly. 

Twins Trust raise awareness, invest in research and campaign for the best possible outcomes for their families. Discover more on their site.

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We chose Pixl8 as we felt that they had thoroughly researched our charity and understood our aims and objectives. We could see from Pixl8’s original presentation the difference that they could make to our charity. Exciting times ahead for us!

Nikki Roberts

Twins Trust


We continue to work with Twins Trust to ensure their digital vision is realised, and to provide them with ongoing support.



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