23 Apr 2021

Design audit

Design changes, and so do websites. Eventually, you may find your site looking like a patchwork made from countless rounds of iterative design changes - inconsistent rather than offering a clear look and feel. That’s when a design audit can help to gain clarity.


Consistency helps to build trust with your users. You want to ensure that your site has uniformity in its interface - whichever page a user navigates to. Having similar-but-different visual elements can make your website look disorganised so you may be better off following a more cohesive approach.

Throughout the design audit, it’s important to identify where there has been intentional and unintentional deviation from your designs. 






Ideally, your website should offer a consistent and clear experience to its users, both visually and in terms of its tone of voice.

Running a design audit means going through the pages of your website and shining a light on where there may be inconsistencies in your site’s designs.

By documenting visual elements along key user journeys you should be able to gain a better understanding of your website’s overall look and feel. 


Go through your website and take screenshots of visual elements (e.g. buttons or fonts) and any existing variations you can find.

Collate them in a powerpoint presentation or any other format in which you can group them together.

Side-by-side, you’re going to look for clear instances of elements with distinct treatments (for example a button with rounded corners and an arrow vs a button with straight corners and an arrow) to develop an understanding of your website’s visual inventory. 

This could prompt a discussion with your wider team: Which elements should stay? Which should go? What could be merged? 




If you are looking to better understand your website’s visual impact and opportunities, running a design audit can be a valuable first step.

The results can provide a starting point for quick wins as well as strategic discussions to implement a  more unified, consistent approach to digital design. 


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